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September 19, 2008


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such neat little magnets and a lovely photo

sorry to hear you are on the move and must leave your lovely light kitchen - hope you will find a new place with some nice surprises in store for you


I remember that sinking feeling of having to move (as we approach our one-year anniversary in this "new" place). And you might just find a better place, bigger and with better light AND the same rent--we did! :)


Much nicer fridge pictures than ours Lucy (ours is all boring stuff like vets phone numbers).

Fingers crossed re the house hunting. It's never fun but hopefully you'll find something really special


Sorry to see that you are house hunting. There is a silver lining in there, I'm sure of it.


Good luck on your home search... I hope you find another gem.:-)

Simona Carini

Good luck, my dear. You will find another nest, I am sure.


I've fallen in love with so many homes over the years, each with its own magic and charm. The thought of moving tho does stir up that fear of not finding it again... always surprise. Good luck and good light!

another outspoken female

Love the pic :)

Just keep following your gut!


Love your new home, Lucy.


I love your fridge door! It is always fun to snoop!

I hope your move goes well and you find a great new kitchen.

Staying calm will be a good mantra for you :)


If light is what you need, then you are sure to find it! A friend believes that by visualizing the perfect home very strongly you can make it happen, and I'm inclined to believe her. (I'm hugely envious of her French windows looking onto a citrus garden!)


If light is what you need, then you are sure to find it! A friend believes that by visualizing the perfect home very strongly you can make it happen, and I'm inclined to believe her. (I'm hugely envious of her French windows looking onto a citrus garden!)


May you find a home that will provide new delights--maybe not the same, but maybe even better. Good luck!


I love that poster! I am a strong believer in visualization, and it's how I got us this apartment with the lovely light kitchen. Yours is on its way!

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  • © 2006-2014 Lucinda Dodds. All rights reserved. No content on this website including, but not limited to, text and photography may be reproduced without prior explicit written consent from the copyright holder.

An Honest Kitchen