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September 15, 2008


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another outspoken female

Welcome back. Wasn't the wind and rain marvelous today, just when you think Melbourne has turned its summery corner - whack!

At home for me it was the Tuis (aka bellbirds) with their high pitched warble waking me each morning. Hearing the birds from my homeland makes my heart sing. Back in Melbourne the gaudy locals make me laugh, they bring a smile to my face but my heart doesn't skip a beat.

The barley water looks good, lets hope the sun returns to enjoy it :)


Great photos! Makes me want to flee to your side of the world, to escape the gray days and rainy weather that I know is on it's way!

Ganga VegeYum

Oh you made me so homesick for Sydney. Walking from Bondi to Surry Hills - I am impressed. I so love Sydney.

Melbourne - yes so different. A place of soul, where Sydney is a place of body. If you know what I mean.


Welcome back! I think your photos made ME homesick for Sydney, too--and I've never been there! But now I must. MUST.

maybelles mom (feeding maybelle)

oh, the frangipani photo is wonderful (as art the others, of course.)


Not the Kylie?! ;)

Sounds like a wonderful, wonderful weekend. I've always thought Melbourne would be the city I'd like best in Australia but I'm now beginning to wonder.

Off to see my best friend next weekend too. You've just made me look forward to it that wee bit more.

And you know how I feel about that bird.


lovely story and lovely photos - bright and evocative - I love sydney's sites but it seems so superficial to me - maybe because I don't know people there (I did love it more when my sister lived there)

love the lemon barley water - have never made it but it always seems quite old fashioned and reminds me of watching tennis as a child


You capture the light wherever you are. The daffodils - they reminded me it won't be summer forever. Spring seems so innocent compared to the end of summer with it's split ends and worn lipstick.

I've never entertained a pearled barley and hardly know where to begin to find one but I must if only to work the lemon peel into the sugar and say good by to the last warms days as they take up residence in your side of this crazy miraculous world.


As always, your writing and photos are so captivating! Sounds like all is well your way! Your new site is lovely Lucy!


I'm scooping up all those birdies and taking them across the seas with me. Such darling creatures.

Lemon barley water, gently warm, would be just the thing to chase my still-lingering cold away.


I can't get over those handsome birds!!! The sights and sentiments of home are beautifully described and somehow reminiscent of all trips back home...


thanks for the virtual tour, dear lucy. the lemon barley water is a childhood favourite of mine.

as our summer comes to an end, it's good to see those in the southern hemisphere enjoying it.

meg wolff

Hi Lucy,
I enjoyed this post. I'm sitting here in Maine as fall starts to set in and it is fantastic to be transported to such as exotic place in someone else's life. I liked all you photos, but especially the beach, the laundry drying and the friend's appartment (I think) photos.


Glad to hear you enjoyed the rest of your stay Lucy - but isn't it always lovely to get home.

The route I walk in the morning is full of kookaburras and if I'm up early enough I can stand under the telegraph poles and watch them throwing back their heads. Ready for THAT LAUGH. Which always sets me off, laughing in response.


Exsqueeze me?! when the hell were you in Sydney? How did I miss that? You were in Newtown and you didn't say hi? or at least leave a message with the Curry Leaf Cat??!!


I cannot believe that Rainbow Lorikeet, it is like nothing I have seen before! Wow!


Hi Lucy,
Sounds like a perfect week in Sydney. :-)

Lemon barley water reminds me of home (i.e. Singapore), love it! Mom uses "rock sugar". I brought some back with me, but never got round to make it. I also like to make barley water with pandanus leaf, when I find some at Paddy's.

have a lovely weekend ahead!

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