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October 28, 2008


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GREAT post! You are such a good writer.


I hope you're feeling restored and relaxed. I know the stress of moving, and for me at least, it doesn't dissipate quickly. Hang in there--it does get better!


I will now add chicken soup to the list of things that will turn a vegetarian around, it's a short list, really.

There's nothing like a steaming bowl of brothy goodness to soothe the inner person.

Glad you mentioned about the carrot skins, peeling is good for the soup and the garden.


moving house is a huge emotional and physical undertaking - and when you are low in energy you need to give your body what it craves (but I was glad to be spared seeing the naked bird as I have terrible memories of the one time I tried to make chicken soup - almost 20 years ago). Hope you are settling into your new kitchen and are starting to feel at home


Sometimes, it's gotta be chicken soup.

It's happened to me, too.

I just ran with it, in the end. I figured I must need it, and I was right.


Good plan indeed. That chicken soup looks wonderfully restorative.

Moving house can be shattering. And it can hit in that ton o' bricks way in those weeks after the dust begins to clear.


What a lovely way to describe an old stand-by - it seems your writing can be as restorative as the soup!

maybelles mom

Oh, I really believe that the bodily desires are important to listen to. looks amazing.


Moving is both physically and emotionally exhausting, so, by all means, pamper yourself with chicken stock and anything else your body requires.


OH MY GOD! I've just written a post for Kathryn's blog and guess what it is about? Chinese chicken and vegetable stock!! Really. And it was Kylie Kwong who started me making it.

Hmmmm, just realised I forgot to acknowledge that...

Anyhoo, it's wonderful, isn't it? Restorative is the right word.


Well, not what I expected to find here. Moving is tiring, but I'm pretty certain I could not be persuaded to consume what was no doubt a delightful soup, as it came from your kitchen.


Whee! How can it not be restorative with a chook and one that scratched and pecked to boot? Moving, transitioning...v exhausting stuff, fat definitely needed!


There is something about it that heals, there are times only chicken broth serves the purpose. Be well.


I have been thinking a lot recently about being still enough to hear...whatever you need to hear. How have you learned to listen?


Chicken soup really does heal body and soul. Yours looks delicious!


Love the southeast asian twist. lemongrass does wonders to recipes like this.


Surely if we always bought chicken per your instructions above we would always make love and not war. Beautiful.

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this is a usefull website, thanks admin!

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