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July 29, 2009


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Arwen from Hoglet K

That's very sad, but it's nice that you've got some good memories of him.

I've often wondered why pickled turnip was pink, so now I know. I've seen cabbage done like that too. It does look beautiful.


I of course have no way of know but I imagine that M would appreciate all of this. The story, the pictures, your memories. It is all quite beautifully remembered. Honest. And pickled turnips, this is the first I've ever heard of such a thing and I doubt I'll ever forget them.


Like Katrina said, I suspect (with no way of knowing) that M would have loved your memory of him. I know I did. So sad.

You should write a book about that house. I'm going to have nightmares about that voodoo doll wielding woman.


Such a sad story. The image of your friend sanding and staining your desk is one I find very poignant.

I may just have to try some pickled turnips now.


Beautifully written :)


What a beautiful, poignant tribute to your friend. I'd cherish that desk, too. And pickled turnips--a new one for me. They look lovely.


Yes, a beautiful and poignant story of a special friendship. Food can evoke many bittersweet memories.


A bittersweet note, Lucy. I guess it is true that it takes the whole universe to understand a person's world (A Vietnamese saying). But the important thing is eventhough he's gone, it is his memory that stays in your heart.

I love the pickle. I ate similar one before. A way to convert any turnip hater!


That first photo is just so lovely - a hint of the loveliness with a little bruising that follows in your story - have never had turnip pickle - but love the sound of the colour - beetroot for colour of course!


I have never heard of this before, it sounds fab, even though it is tinged with sad memories.


Ahh the homely turnip given a facelift. Love it, especially with falafel!

Powerful enough to evoke a special friendship.


Thanks, all. It was a funny post, this one, but I always say go with it, even though it's uncomfortable (and makes you worry that your readers may wonder 'why?').

I always get a little introspective on and around my birthday. Those pickles...they are fabulous and probably the prettiest thing I've ever made!


i am growing some turnips this year as i got the seeds for free and had planned to make this so thankyou for the recipe!

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An Honest Kitchen