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July 10, 2010


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Ooooh, this sounds perfect. I love a bit of cabbage, as you know. Bookmarked for later in the year. :)


Yes, I'm with you! My cabbage revelation was a vinegar-dressed (mayo free) coleslaw recipe, not so different to what you've done here. Now I'm positively looking forward to cabbages in my veg box so that I can oven-bake spring rolls!


Wendy: Works with all of 'em. Even savoy!

Cindy: Oven-baked spring rolls...is that a post I've missed?? They sound beautiful. I suspect that cabbage cooked is the next step, but I'm happy with it raw(ish) for the time being!


Here are the rolls.

And since I think you're still limiting comments on your new posts, let me say here that your latest Holga shots are achingly beautiful.


Cindy, I'm so pleased that baking them works so well...revelatory discovery! Brilliant.

And thank you, from the bottom of my heart lovely woman...spammers are after me at the 'mo. Let's hope they bugger off soon!

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  • © 2006-2014 Lucinda Dodds. All rights reserved. No content on this website including, but not limited to, text and photography may be reproduced without prior explicit written consent from the copyright holder.

An Honest Kitchen