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October 11, 2010


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Oh My God, that sounds DIVINE! And so straighforward. Hope it's int he next issue of AHK


Morning Miss Lucy. Thanks for recipe (I say re "sipe"... as only an idiot would, can't blame the French/Australian-ess here). I LOVE chickpeas.

I saw the most stunning artichokes - fresh with tight leaves that made squeaky sounds - at the supermarché a week or so ago.

Nearly fell over!

Johanna GGG

I spend far too much time at the supermarket but am trying to go along to the Vic Market once a week if I can - it is good for the soul but the supermarket is good for a busy life. Like the sound of this salad - though sans coriander for me - am curious about the spices as they do look intense

another outspoken female

Forbidden fruit (or in this case, conventional outta season supermarket fare) always taste sweeter :)


Well now that does sound grand Ms Lucy. Love it. And I'm so glad you made the spice note, about the quantities *not* being a mistake, as they seem like crazy quantities. I shall be bookmarking and making very soon.

I've had a hankering for tomatoes recently. Have been trying to ignore, as they're just not quite in season around here. But sometimes, even with the best will in the world it's hard to ignore a hankering. Over the weekend I bought outrageously priced *local* on-the-vine and ripe as ripe can be plum tomatoes. About $2 a tomato, but boy the two I bought were worth every penny.


You speak my mind!

Okay. This salad will be on our table today. With ingredients from the supermarket. Because I'm stressed and tired!


It is so, so late & I really must go to bed but I have to say how much I love chickpeas, how thrilled I am to read this recipe -- especially b/c of the spices -- & relieved to know I can finally confess I too shop at the supermarché.

I shall be back tomorrow to steep myself in the photo & words.


Thanks for this recipe, it comes just as I'm thinking about what to take to work when's its my turn to cater for the group lunch.

And no doubt all of us find ourselves in the supermarché at times - its finding your way out at the end that's important.


Thank you Lucy - I had this for two very satisfying lunches last week.
I agree that the world doesn't need another recipe for roasted toms, but allow me just one word: sumac.


Zoe...YUM! I did just that this weekend (been away for 4 days) and sumac will, from this day forth, be shouted from the rooftops. Marvellous with all the spices in this, too.


Oh my. You are just the person I've been needing to meet. I love how the internet's magic like that. This recipe is going to happen soon, soon, soon.


Likewise, Michelle.

That 10/10 project was really something. Hi!


I love anything with chickpeas which means I think I am going to love this dish. Clean fresh and very easy. Bookmarking now :)

Weber grills

I would go for the Haluomi with this salad every time, I feel in love with this when in Cyprus a few years ago. The family also loves Houmous(If thats how you spell it) so this is bound to be a winner.



The Kid has just announced that she is going vegan, and I've only just become confident with vegetarianism. After I finished hyperventilating into a towel, I made a beeline for your blog.

We're having this for dinner xo

ps. I know, it's not such a big jump really.


ps. My Nadine Abensur and Jude Blereau books are more of a life line than you could ever imagine.

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An Honest Kitchen