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December 11, 2010


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Sarah Crowder

Oh I totally dig the Sideshow Bob photo! Had to call over my husband to see it, too.


These are all pretty darn exquisite.

I'm thinking of laying the digital to rest in the new year myself, although I'm not sure how I'll go without a darkroom on hand. I wondered if you've thought of setting up a darkroom in your new place?


Absolutely gorgeous, Lucy.


Beet curry! Sounds great.....do you have the recipe? I just pulled a bunch out of the dirt yesterday!


They're all just beautiful! Now I'm off to go get a mango to eat over the sink - pure Summer bliss - thanks for reminding me!!


Thanks, guys. Been a goodie, this year.

Jess, go for it. Completely magic - and the waiting's, I think, most of the fun. Building a darkroom up there - very exciting - but for colour I just get it processed and scanned onto disc. Looking forward to coming home?

Ro, under the picture of the freaky beets there's a link to click, on the words beetroot curry. So good!


Interesting. I didn't realise you use film. Will you change to digital at any time. I see the beauty of film, but I enjoy blogging about my dishes when it's still fresh and relevant. Being able to take 10+ photos from different angles of the same dish (if time allows) is nice. Also saves on scanning.


Hi Genie, and welcome. Up until about mid way through this year I was using my digital most of the time. Still do for commissioned jobs, as it's far cheaper, you can take all those multiple photos, and that's the way things are just done now! But film, well, for me, I've come full circle - I learnt on a film camera at art school, took to the digitals (and stuck to digitals for most of this blog) but a good friend sent me a Holga film camera and the whole world of picture-making changed.

I like the discipline of taking one, maybe two shots, waiting until the right moment to take each. I used to love editing away, deleting the hundreds of photos until I found just the right one when using the digital, but these days, I prefer that slower, far more careful film pace. It satisfies the part of my brain that asks me to really look at something, to really pay attention. And I've become economic with it all to my great relief - one roll of 135 & 1 roll of 120 per month - which is inexpensive, especially when I compare it to what I used to spend on paper and charcoal and paint!

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  • © 2006-2014 Lucinda Dodds. All rights reserved. No content on this website including, but not limited to, text and photography may be reproduced without prior explicit written consent from the copyright holder.

An Honest Kitchen