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August 10, 2011


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Beautiful photo!


I have never tried that salad. But anything which leads to people eating tonnes of cabbage is good for me. It looks utterly delicious, but gosh it'd hurt pouring in that 1/4 cup of sugar. Glad to hear the drop in sugar, combined with sub of mirin worked well. I shall be trying.


ahhhhh such happy childhood memories of this salad. i want to eat it now, sugar and all.

Denise | Chez Danisse

I'm always amazed by what I can do without or minimize. Nice example.


Thanks for pointing out this recipe, and the variations you used. I've bookmarked it - I think it may become a favourite in our household too!


remind me to tell you about another crazygood napa salad. no sugar involved.

another outspoken female

Glad the experiment worked. Maybe another time, see if the sweetness from the mirin is enough?


i love that noodle salad but also feel a bit odd about the amount of sugar going in to it ... nice idea

the good soup

Now that we got the sugar issue dealt with, I want to know more about these Chang's fried noodles- I've never heard of them! Are they a popular phenomenon I've missed? Can I fry my own noodles, or do they contain fried secrets?

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  • © 2006-2014 Lucinda Dodds. All rights reserved. No content on this website including, but not limited to, text and photography may be reproduced without prior explicit written consent from the copyright holder.

An Honest Kitchen