You know those people you sometimes meet at parties - confidence exuding through seemingly every pore, inner glow glowing outwardly, shoulders held back with poise and grace? Well, I am not one of those people. At said party, you'll find me in the kitchen, head down, engaged in the mechanics of something that keeps me busily avoiding those people because they scare me witless. Innate confidence is a quality I would wish for any child, but not one I seem to have been born with. Tapping away quietly on the web - building something creative in my own time, under my own steam - is so much better-suited to my personality. Yes, I'm a Leo, but the Taurus Rising and Moon in Scorpio I was born under mean I'm better equipped to deal with things in a detached and observational way. Blog As Confessional isn't my style, but maintaining a blog with a food focus has allowed me to bloom.
Of course, the thing that I've wanted to tackle for, like, ever is that confidence. Over the past few weeks, I've been behaving in an uncharacteristically brave fashion and, of course, the pay-off has been worth every butterfly-induced second. Meditation has played a role in this undoubtedly, banishing negativity, accepting opportunity, but having a print edition of An Honest Kitchen to show people - a tangible, beautiful object - has made me prouder than ever of what Kathryn and Luisa and I do. Yesterday, I took a copy along to show Cath and Chris at Books In Print (best bookshop the country, and my old workplace) and was greeted with delight, coffee, and an order. I very nearly cried.
So, the lesson I've learnt this year is this; trust in yourself, in what you do as much as who you are, and in what you offer. If you don't, who on earth will? A friend told me that 40 was a fascinating year, and it was, but 41? Even better.
All of this is my rambling way of offering gratitude to those of you who read, and, armed with a new-found bravery, to remind you that An Honest Kitchen Seasonal Desserts makes a gorgeous holiday gift, especially the print version. If you'd rather see and touch before you buy, you'll find it here:
Books In Print & Organically Grown (Melbourne)
Food Connect & Coffee1st (Sydney)
and you can, of course, order it from our website, too:
Tell me, how are your holiday plans shaping up? This is my Christmas Day thus far. Sitting on our verandah, just the two of us, dressed in something diaphanous and cool, eating a tonne of smoked salmon, potato pancakes and pickled cucumber. Bliss.
Congratulations Lucy (and Kathryn and Luisa)! Such well deserved success. Hope it's soon in hundreds of kitchens. I've ordered and already received my copy. I'm giving it as a present confident they'll love it.
Posted by: Karen Allen | December 12, 2012 at 03:42 PM
So very inspiring Lucy! What a treat to come by your blog this very hot and first lazy day of the season, to find such a beautiful post. xx
Posted by: Sophie | December 12, 2012 at 04:45 PM
Sweetness, you are one of the lights of my life.
Just so you know...
Posted by: Shula | December 12, 2012 at 05:13 PM
Congratulations on your book. I'm such a food blog addict but I still love my print recipe books. There is something about being able to study a printed book that is very relaxing and inspiring. Hope you have a lovely Christmas and welcome to the fabulous forties.
Posted by: Elizabeth Mars | December 15, 2012 at 08:55 AM
hoo! you published authoress, you! i am unspeakably happy to hear your news...
christmas day...quiet, and here, snug by the woodstove, maybe out for a wander in the winter countryside with my friend from ankara who is coming to stay with me for a few days. dosas and sambar. sparkling pear. maybe baked russian kutia for breakfast. maybe creamed fish over crusty bread with a fresh watercress salad, a good cheese, and a bottle of nice wine. and homemade fruitcake, aged 1 year, with hot tea.
that's my little food fantasy anyway. yours sounds dang good too!
Posted by: alison | December 15, 2012 at 09:10 AM
I am so happy for beautiful, authentic, brave YOU.
I'll be with my mom in the country on Christmas Day. Music, candles, shine and shimmer, slow food, a fine book, a walk with Piper on Little Mountain, the phone call to my brother and family, the phone call from my friend in Florida -- the traditions I love.
(The rose - oh. my. gorgeous.)
Posted by: Elaine | December 16, 2012 at 06:16 AM
that's very exciting to have a print edition - will try and check it out - hope your christmas day was relaxing with no snakes :-)
Posted by: Johanna GGG | December 27, 2012 at 09:30 PM
Congratulations, Lucy! And while I was born a Pisces and not a Leo, I tend to gravitate to the kitchen during parties, as well. I enjoy reading your blog so much- hope you have a happy and successful 2013.
Posted by: Beth | January 02, 2013 at 11:58 AM
... just read four wonderful posts in a row Lucy! So missed popping in over here!
Had to share this on my Facebook page.
Sending my very best wishes for 2013 to be your year... I so know this story you write of... how easy it is to slink away and not just step forward. But at some point one is simply mad not to... so glad you are doing the print edition!
Need an agent in Bris? No seriously ... Food connect is also in Brisbane...good people .... can you offer it there I wonder? Google "Scrumptious Reads" in Bris... new food/cooking bookshop ...doing great things... wonderful people!
Posted by: sophie | January 03, 2013 at 12:58 AM
you guys!
thank you, thank you. so much. means more than you can imagine. x
Posted by: Lucy | January 07, 2013 at 02:52 PM
Lucy! So exciting! Congratulations, love. You so deserve it! And you're right about the confidence thing (which I struggle with too).
Much success and happiness to you. Lesh x
Posted by: Lesh | January 11, 2013 at 09:58 AM