Interminably silly though the accompanying photograph is (what on earth is going on with the tiny nest of eggs in the bottom right corner? And the safety pin? I mean, really? Just the sort of food styling that does my head in...) the Pumpkin, pearl barley and miso braise from Gourmet Traveller's excellent website is incredibly good. Incredibly.
Little was changed from the recipe, torn out of the Masterclass pages months ago, shoved into my recipe folder, then promptly forgotten. Wish I'd made it sooner. I peeled the pumpkin - there's something nasty about an inch-wide wedge of tough skin to my thinking - and disagree that 1/2 a pumpkin weighs in at 750g, but it's a wonderful, soothing, healing sort of dish, perfect for this time of year, whichever hemisphere you happen to reside in.