Finally found a use for the stamp I had made in Hanoi: labels on jars of things to keep on the shelf.
Made a batch of Laurie Colwin's lemon chutney yesterday. A bit too salty, and maybe a touch too sweet, it was enough for 2 good-size jars, not the 4 she suggests, but the fault is partly mine I suspect and besides, it's a joy to read Colwin while stirring a pot of something that makes the house smell that good. I'm beginning to get things feeling a lot like home up in the hills, one year in. A shelf of jarred things in the pantry only feeds that cosy, domestic goddess notion. I can see why Molly of Orangette likes Colwin so much - a thread of charming domestic storytelling links the two and I am grateful for the introduction. Colwin's food writing is hugely enjoyable, fits like a comfortable old cardigan, all that breezy New York Jewish gorgeousness, near-perfect recipes and smart - very - writing.